Page 4 - Newsletter 2014 Winter Web Final
P. 4


Yep (laughter). And then there’s officials out there that go along and check up to see whether you’re playing the
game. Now he drives a little car with flashing lights on top of it and if you don’t play the game according to the rules,
you get a penalty. If you play the game according to the rules you get a reward, you get to keep your driver’s license.
And we could go on to business, and there’s gobs of those rules already set out for us, and officials, the same with
marriage and so on down the line. Family games and so forth. Now in some of them, you can, the players can more or
less write the rules as they go. But it’s well that somebody knows the rules. If they don’t know the rules, how are they
going to play the game? They don’t know.

Don't Assume Others Know the Rules If You Made Them Up
So maybe it would be well if we say we’re playing the family game, those things do exist, you know. There’s certain
rules and maybe the members of that, the players of that particular game, can somewhat write the rules. But it’s no
reason to assume that everybody knows them because you thought of them. You have to kind of spread those around.
Even the baseball rules are written in a book, football rules are written in a book, golf rules are written in a book, traffic
games are written in a book, they even give you one so you can go down and see if you know it. So, it might be that if
we put a little examination like a driver’s license, you got a book, you read through it, and then see if you get a license
to play that game. Okay?

To My Advantage to Play According to the Rules
And it would definitely be to my advantage to play the game according to the rules. But before I could play any game
according to the rules I better know the rules. One time Dennis and I went to take a board exam in, being registered
reps in selling stocks and bonds. They have a whole bunch of rules. You been through that? They got a whole bunch
of rules. You had to read them, is that right? And if you don’t play that game according to the rules, hmm? They get
real nasty about it, is that right? So, they gave you an exam to see if you had really read the rules and know about
them, is that right? So now you have no excuse if you don’t play the game according to the rules, is that right? Right.
Goodbye license.

Penalties Are Not Punishment
And maybe other penalties goes along with it - no punishment, understand, just penalties.

And if you do play the game according to the rules, it has certain rewards that’s very interesting, is that right? Good
moneymaking scheme. So, you can have the game you can play. But you have to know the rules.

People Think Everyone Knows the Rules in Relationships - They Don't, Necessarily
Now I think that when most people have some human relationship they assume that everybody knows the rules. Even
though you made them up as you went. We assume that they know them. I have seen people scolding two-year-old
kids and one-year-old kids, uh, assuming that that kid knew all the rules. We were sitting over here in the coffee shop
yesterday afternoon and there was a lady got very upset at one kid for hugging another little kid and another mother
got all upset at a little kid - not more than eighteen months old - because it was wandering around a little bit. Now that
kid was supposed to have known the rules. Mama knew them, I guess, but the kid didn’t. Mama didn’t know the rules
very well from what she named the kid. She named a pretty little blond kid Cherokee. Can you imagine that? I have a
friend who has a little girl, he named her Jebediah. And I told him when that kid was twelve years old she’d be a
murderer, she’d shoot him - she’s getting close, and I still think I’m right. Jebediah for a pretty little girl. Can you
imagine that?

People May or May Not Know What's to Their Advantage
So, maybe there’s some rules about things like that once in a while you know. So all these things that we don’t think
of, that people know or don’t know the rules, we feel they should know them and play them, even though they’re this
high and they grew up without ever hearing what the rules were, what the rewards were or what the penalties were.
So when most every person in the world is intelligent enough to try to do what they see as being to their advantage -
now, what they see as being to their advantage may look to you like they didn’t know nothin’. See, I couldn’t see it’d
ever be to my advantage to harm another person. But I know a lot of people who feel it’s to their advantage to cheat,
and to steal and to do a whole bunch of things. They haven’t learned a bunch of rules that I’ve learned somewhere

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