Page 2 - Newsletter 2014 Spring Web Compiled
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CHRISTINE’S PAGE Why “Sophia”? (expert from Sophia, Wise Woman’s Journal, Volume One, Number Two, Aug/Sept 1994, pages 2 and 3) Thank you all for your delightful response to Sophia, Wise Woman’s Journal. Although a few friends didn’t care for it (and I’m glad they felt free to say so), most who are reading this second issue do like her. Many asked the meaning of “Sophia” (pronounced so-FEE-uh) . . . I don’t know why I thought it was commonly known to be the Greek word for Wisdom . . . apparently this isn’t so common, and that’s nice, who wants to be common?! The only reason for choosing the Greek word for wisdom was that it was, to me, the prettiest. I looked up the word wisdom in several languages and nothing had the tone I wished to convey, a mature feminine quality (maybe I had Sophia Loren in mind . . . ?). The night after I took the first issue to the printer, a friend called to tell me to quickly turn on the TV . . . women were talking about “Sophia the goddess of Wisdom,” and something that sounded vaguely cultish, and they were outraged. This particular group (speaking on television) was Protestant, but complaining that at a conference of Christian women’s issues, apparently entitled “Sophia Conference,” Pagans, Jungians, and various other unsavory (to them, certainly not to me) groups had infiltrated, all claiming Sophia as a sort of mascot. What to do! I considered awhile and decided not to “stop the presses” and to continue with what I had quite independently chosen just because I like the distinctly feminine way the word sounds, and because of its quite direct meaning: wisdom. I felt that even a cursory reading of this publication would disassociate it with any cult or any other group with a political or institutional agenda, and so I feel quite free to continue to use “Sophia, Wise Woman’s Journal.” I was warmed, as well as amused, by the response I received from men. Several made wise-cracks to the tune of “Oh, now I know what femininity is!” Oh, boys, if only you did know . . . Other darling men wanted to know if they could be sort of “closet subscribers.” I will repeat something I have said over and over . . . to receive and contain and mold Life is a “feminine” activity but not a “female” one only. Any man who desires to create a soul is welcome here (and even you wise-crackers are, too; I love you all). The word “soul” is used in Sophia to mean the container of Life, uncontaminated Awareness, a wise and beloved servant, loving partner to the Creative Impulse. Our society is in sore need of this necessary aspect . . . people want power, they want to be Masters and Magicians. No one ever evolved into Master or Magician who did not first surrender . . . abandon, renounce, discard all that was unholy within, all the lies, illusions, ideals, beliefs and opinions that do nothing but maintain sleep, fully develop his or her feminine aspect. All are welcome here, male and female, who wish to consider the Work to become a worthy Bride of Spirit, eventually to give birth to a New Man. Your kind notes and calls are much appreciated. Sophia is the most personal work I have published to date, and I am well aware that it does not have broad general appeal . . . any more than I do. Readers are getting an intimate glimpse into something I might prefer to keep a little more private, my deep inclination to see the Dance of Life as a sexual, sensual, passionate event, full of vibrant tension. But I think that the metaphor of romance is a perfect vehicle for the Teaching . . . I know that I am married to the Work, and I am deeply in love with The Invisible, Who manifests continually in my life, in each of you, and everyone. And I suppose it helps if one is in love, this flowery approach may be more appealing then. One friend called to say upon first reading Sophia, “I’m not into poetry and I can’t stand this Bible stuff,” and put it aside; she fell in love the next week, picked up Sophia and saw her in a whole new light, much easier to relate to, in fact she likes it now. I enjoyed hearing that very much. You know, we can act and thus feel the bliss of being in love, whether or not there is a warm, sexy, adoring human beloved in our arms. And isn’t that a wonderful feeling to walk around with? I think so . . . It is my hope that we all can take on the role of Sophia, and if we can do this together, so much the better. Thank you. Please continue to participate . . . I am told continually how valuable other’s comments are to readers. When you take the time to write, your contribution has more influence than you know. 2
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